Author: Kerri

This Creamy Herb Chicken will soon be your favorite way to cook chicken. WITH no heavy cream, dairy-free options, and just over 300 calories per serving! How could it be any easier? This recipe is low in carbs and gluten-free. Each serving has just under 5g carbs. What did I do? Imagine this: juicy, tender chicken breasts simmered in a flavorful, creamy herb sauce with a hint of garlic.  The sauce is the best! This creamy herb sauce is so thick and creamy that it goes well with rice, pasta, or creamy mashed potatoes. Try it over cauliflower mash to…

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Crispy ‘taters are my favorite!  I like that good crunch on the outside and soft potatoes on the inside.  But I’m not going to lie, I haven’t made this recipe yet.  I just so happened to be looking for some different appetizers for the upcoming holidays and ran across this gem.  This looks like it could become a staple appetizer in my recipe binder.  Yes, I have a recipe binder.  Though I do a lot of online research for recipes, I still write them out on a piece of paper and add it to my binder.  But only if it…

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Here is a classic dish that everyone should know how to make.  It is a cheap and easy dinner that is very filling.  It’s perfect for a tight budget family, which, unfortunately, is most Americans during this year of mandates.  But on a brighter note, this recipe is also delicious!  Who said cheap food couldn’t taste good?  Not this lady.  I’m all about cheap and easy.  Take a look at this recipe and let me know how you like it.  I plan on making it again real soon.  This will be a staple in my recipe box. …

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I don’t know a single person who doesn’t like chicken.  So from that statement, you know that I don’t have any vegan/vegetarian friends.  Not that I’m bashing their dietary style.  It’s just not my thing.  I love my meat.  Not enough to go hunting for it, mind you.  That’s why we have grocery stores.  Now with this plandemic going on, the shelves are starting to get bare.  Soon I may need to harness in my granny’s energy and pick up the shotgun and go get dinner.  But I digress.  Back to the recipe. This is a good recipe for any…

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As stated in the title, this dish is a classic.  I first had this back in my Hamburger Helper days.  I loved it then, and I love it even more, now that I make it from scratch, and with better quality meat.  But I’m not gonna lie, I still grab some Hamburger Helper from time to time just for a quicker dinner.  But homemade is definitely the way to go if you have the time.  You can stretch this dish out by also making some mashed potatoes.  I mix the stroganoff with the noodles and place that over the mashed…

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What do you do with all of the leftovers from Thanksgiving?  I’m assuming you have leftovers.  I hope you have leftovers, because this recipe sounds and looks so delicious!  And the best part is it’s easy!  Everything is already cooked.  With this recipe you just layer it until the leftovers are gone or the pan is full, whichever comes first. A friend of mine, and also co-worker, Colleen, gave me this recipe.  I haven’t tried it yet, but I certainly will this Thanksgiving!  I love when I come across quick and easy meals, especially after Thanksgiving.  After all of the…

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The most coveted dish (and recipe!) for Thanksgiving is, of course, the turkey!  There are so many variations for a Thanksgiving turkey that you could browse the internet for weeks and continue to find more and more to look over.  It’s hard to decide which recipe to use because they all sound amazing.  I use the recipe below because it’s easy and it’s full proof to get a perfectly browned and juicy turkey.  Let’s face it, as much as we would all like to cook and serve dinners like Martha Stewart, we need some easy tasks!  You don’t have to…

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Another Thanksgiving favorite of mine is green bean casserole.  It’s quick, it’s easy and it has only a few ingredients. Three of my favorite things in a recipe.  It’s so easy that you can actually make this the day of Thanksgiving and not even break a sweat. You can find this recipe on the can of the French’s Fried Onions, but I do have some tweaks to make it mine.  My own, my precious. (If you got that movie reference, you are my new best friend!  If you didn’t, you must live in a hobbit hole and never get out). …

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It’s getting close to Thanksgiving, so why not toss out some recipes for this holiday?  Here is a good recipe for the most sought after side dish to take home as leftovers. (Besides the juicy turkey). Now y’all know me by now.  I prefer to us Stove Top stuffing when I’m making a whole roasted chicken for a Sunday dinner.  Why?  Because it takes 5 minutes!  But for Thanksgiving, I do go the extra mile on my side dishes and do everything from scratch.  I know, shocking, right?  This lazy cook turns into Martha Stewart during the holidays.  Making stuffing…

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If you have read some of my previous recipes you already know how much I love the Instant Pot.  It saves time, it’s perfect for lazy cooks like myself, and most importantly, it saves my sanity!  Who here has lost there ever-lovin’ mind when trying to peel boiled eggs without them looking like a porcupine rolled all over them?  This lady right here, I tell you true.  I have tried every secret known to man, woman, and website.  “Don’t use fresh eggs.”  “Add vinegar to the water.”  “Add baking soda to the water.”  “Shake the egg in a glass.” Let…

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Oh my word!  This is by far the best dessert recipe I have ever had!  It’s better than chocolate chip cookies, better than chocolate cake, and I dare say, it’s better than butter pecan ice cream.  Yep, I went there.  Ice cream is my kryptonite but I would kick it to the curb if I had to choose between it and this strawberry dessert. I will admit though, it’s a pain in the derriere to make, which is probably why I still have ice cream in my freezer.  I’m a lazy cook, remember?  Putting my laziness aside, this is totally…

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Every party needs a dip. No, I’m not talking about your husband, but the best party dip that ever graced a cracker!  It’s called Pickle Dip. Sounds gross right?  I thought so when I first heard about it.  But in reality, it’s basically the same as those roll ups people make with the pickles, cream cheese and ham slices or corned beef.  This is so much easier though!  And off topic, those roll ups?  I use a green onion (not the dill pickle) and roll it up with a slice of ham and cream cheese.  And I only use the…

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Whole roasted chicken.  It’s better than turkey, in my opinion.  And my opinion matters.  Don’t get me wrong, I love turkey on Thanksgiving.  Don’t be cooking no ham on Turkey Day, that is just plain wrong and downright rude.  Again, only my opinion.  But this chicken could be done on Thanksgiving.  I bet no one would care that they weren’t getting turkey when you serve up this juicy, tender, flavorful slab of meaty goodness!  Be sure to follow step 6 fully.  Don’t be a chicken, or worse, don’t be spineless chicken. Ingredients 1 Tbsp dried thyme 2 Tbsp Herbs De…

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If you don’t like chocolate chip cookies, then you are not my friend.  That’s a lie.  I like everyone who can tolerate me. Ingredients 2 sticks salted butter, softened 3/4 c white sugar 3/4 c tightly packed brown sugar (pack that sugar like you pack your carry-on luggage.) 1 tsp salt 2 tsp vanilla extract 1 Tbsp pure maple syrup 2 large eggs 2 1/4 c all purpose flour (No need to sift it.) 1 tsp baking soda + 1 tsp water to make a slurry 12-16 oz. chocolate chips Preparation Using a stand mixer, cream butter. (If you…

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Are you a gardner?  Do you always have so many tomatoes that you don’t know what to do with them all?  I mean, you can only make so much salsa and tomato sauce, am I right? You NEED to make this recipe!  You will never go back to store bought ketchup again!  I’m not a gardner.  I can’t even keep a cactus alive.  But after this recipe, I’m going to learn!  Who am I kidding?  I’m going to make my husband plant and take care of our tomato garden. If you are not a gardner, like myself, this won’t be…

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I searched out this recipe after watching a Bruce Lee movie.  Don’t judge, karate movies are a guilty pleasure of mine and Bruce Lee is the best! And it made me think of chinese food.  So I YouTubed (yes, YouTube can now be a verb) and this recipe caught my eye.  I’m the only one who likes chinese food in my family.  And by family, I mean my husband.  Our kids are all grown and out on their own, so far.  Rumor has it that sometimes they come back!  Anywho, if I catered to my husband’s pallet, I would be…

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I’m a simple southern person, a meat and ‘taters kind of gal.  But sometimes I like to pretend I’m higher class.  The best way to pretend that is to make a high class dish.  I’m not talking sushi, that stuff should be outlawed. Gross! I’m talking about mushroom risotto!  It’s creamy, earthy and so very delicious!  And it couldn’t be easier in the Instant Pot!  If you don’t have one of these yet, what are you waiting for?  Put it on your Christmas, birthday, anniversary, just because you are awesome lists and get you one!  Or you can do what…

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What is more American than an Italian dish?  You disagree?  Tell that to a New Yorker.  I’m talking about the most creamy, mouth watering, make your grandma proud, Fettuccini Alfredo!  Yes, it’s the Instant Pot lady again and I’m not asking, I’m telling you to make this dish!  You will not be disappointed…until you get on the scale, or try to put on your favorite jeans, or take a selfie.  Who cares!  It’s so worth it!!  Trust me, I’m fat and I know food. Ingredients ● 4 cups garlic broth (I use Better Than Bouillon) ● 1 pound fettuccine ● 1…

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